Monday, July 28, 2008

It's a "Good Day L.A." when...

you stumble upon a fabulously creative blog written by one of the show's beautiful reporters! "Good Day L.A." is a super popular morning show here known for it's "non-traditional" approach to news. I personally love it because even when they report "doom and gloom", it's not nearly as stressful. Aside from the fact that it's downright funny too. Two of the reporters on this program actually live in Malibu, so I see them from time to time (one had a son working at the Colony Starbucks with my daughter Tatum )so in a way I feel like I know them...

Where does Suzanne find the time is what I want to know ( I know it's a stretch for me! ). Who knows... but you can visit her blog Simply Magic and follow her interesting life... This is a great opportunity for us all to get to know her too!

I know I will!

Photo via Simply Magic


Mrs.French said...

I can't believe she can find the time to blog....I am a nobody, and I rarely find the time (oh and it appears she looks beautiful doing it too)!

suzannemarques said...


thank you for this outrageously generous post!!!!! i am so glad you enjoy my blog!

i'm kind of a high-energy person and notice details and things that grab me and instead of moving onto the next subject, i'll save a photo or thought... and it becomes a blog! thank you for appreciating it!!! instead of writing in a journal once a day, i try and blog about things that inspire me.

mrs french - xoxo!


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