Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lessons in fashion and lessons in life

LOVE this outfit on Talitha Getty.

Lesson#1: Don't throw anything away - fashion comes back bigger and better and it's always more fashionable to have the original. Look at those gladiators!

Lesson#2: Don't do heroin. You will die and leave your child without a mother ( money does not give you a free pass when injecting lethal substances ).

Lesson#3: The "give your baby a ridiculous name so it gets teased mercilessly at school" must have started in the 60's - Talitha Getty ( and her husband Paul ) named their son Tara Gabriel Gramaphone Galaxy. Gramaphon? Galaxy?

LOVE this vintage PUCCI on Nicole Richie

Lesson#1: You CAN bring back a style and have it look better than it did when it first came out.

Lesson#2 You CAN get over addiction, stop partying, contribute to society ( and charities ) and not leave your child without a mother.

Lesson #3: You CAN name your child something unique without making them feel like a freak...even when you're a celebrity.

Now go out, do something positive and look good while doing it!

3 comments: said...

Great post! I saw your comment on Something About Orange and linked over. Nicole does look fabulous in that Pucci. Almost as fabulous as I would, if she'd give it to me! =)

Bonbon Oiseau said...

excellent lessons., but as for lesson 1 in the first part, if I didn't thrown anything away, I'd have a stack of clothes to the moon! Ohhh...only keep the good stuff? yeah.only the good stuff...

love nicole ritchie's caftan! love! and she did seem to come out ok huh?

Mrs.French said...

sobriety looks good on her...I used to hate this girl...she has grown on me, and could she seriously be any more gorgeous?


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